Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C.

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Do I Need a Criminal Defense Attorney for Retail Theft Charges?

 Posted on June 29,2024 in Retail Theft

Joliet, IL retail theft lawyerRetail theft might seem like a minor issue, but Illinois takes these charges very seriously. Even small thefts can lead to significant legal consequences, especially with recent changes in the law. If you are facing retail theft charges in Joliet or Will County, it is crucial to get the help of a lawyer.

A Joliet, IL criminal defense attorney can review your case, explain your options, and help you navigate the legal process. Do not underestimate the impact these charges can have on your life—reach out for a free consultation today.

Illinois Law is Cracking Down on Retail Theft

Illinois recently passed the INFORM Act to fight retail theft, especially organized crime. This law makes it tougher for thieves to sell stolen goods on the internet by requiring online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace to verify the identity of sellers who make lots of sales.

In Will County, prosecutors are cracking down on theft and often trying to make examples out of those caught stealing. Retail theft costs stores billions of dollars each year, and Illinois is serious about stopping it with stricter punishments.

Types of Retail Theft and Penalties in Illinois

Illinois law covers various types of theft, each with its own set of charges and penalties. Retail theft, commonly known as shoplifting, can range from stealing small items to more severe crimes like smash-and-grab theft. The severity of the charge often depends on the value of the stolen goods and the method used to steal them.

  • Shoplifting: Shoplifting is taking an item without paying for it. If the value of the stolen goods is under $300, it is classified as a Class A misdemeanor, which can lead to up to one year in jail and fines. If the value exceeds $300, the charge becomes a felony, carrying harsher penalties.

  • Smash-and-Grab Theft: This involves breaking into a store and stealing as many things as possible very quickly. Smash-and-grab theft is a felony in Illinois, and penalties can include several years in prison and significant fines.

  • Organized Retail Crime: This involves coordinated efforts to steal large quantities of goods, often to sell them again. This type of theft is treated as a serious felony, with penalties that can include lengthy prison sentences and heavy fines.

Penalties increase with the severity of the crime, and repeat offenders often face even tougher consequences.

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help with Theft Charges

If you are facing theft charges, especially for the first time, a criminal defense attorney can be a valuable ally. Good people make mistakes, and an experienced lawyer understands that. At Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C., we can help you by negotiating with prosecutors, possibly reducing your charges or even getting them dropped. For first-time offenders, we can work to get you into diversion programs or community service instead of jail time. By presenting a strong defense, our skilled attorney can help protect your future and minimize the impact of these charges on your life.

Contact a Will County, IL Criminal Defense Attorney

Facing retail theft charges can be overwhelming, but you do not have to go through it alone. A Will County, IL criminal defense attorney with strong relationships with local judges and prosecutors, built during their time as a public defender, can make a significant difference in your case. If you have been charged with theft, contact our office today to discuss your situation. We are here to help you work toward the best possible outcome. Call the Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C. at 815-744-2500 for a free consultation.

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