Will County Domestic Battery Defense Attorney

Lawyer for Clients Facing Criminal Charges for Domestic Violence in Joliet and Plainfield
Any allegation of violent behavior is serious. When the alleged behavior is directed at a person's spouse, children, or another member of their family, the situation can quickly become even worse. Domestic battery and other forms of domestic violence can have a dramatic impact on the stability of families and relationships between family members. At the Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C., we have helped many families throughout the region deal with domestic abuse concerns. Our firm understands that domestic battery charges can bring severe penalties, and we are equipped to provide the representation you need when facing such charges.
What Is Domestic Battery?
The offense of battery in Illinois is defined as physical contact that causes bodily harm to another person or physical contact of a provoking or insulting nature. When the victim is a family member or a member of the perpetrator's household, the offense becomes domestic battery. Domestic battery is a Class A misdemeanor, which carries the possible penalty of a mandatory conviction, up to one year in jail, and expensive fines. A conviction will also limit a person's right to own and possess a firearm.
If the contact in question causes "great bodily harm, or permanent disability or disfigurement" or involves strangling the victim, the charge may be elevated to aggravated domestic battery, which is a Class 2 felony. The perpetrator's criminal history is also a factor in the severity of the charges and the possible penalties.
Bolingbrook Counsel for Domestic Violence Matters
Attorney Eric J. Blatti is a former public defender who now puts his experience to work for clients in private practice. He realizes that when law enforcement responds to any domestic violence report, someone is probably going to be arrested. Unfortunately, the police do not always arrest the right person. Many police departments utilize "zero-tolerance" policies in regard to domestic violence, which often means that officers will arrest first and let prosecutors and the courts figure out the charges later.
Any domestic violence arrest can create the impression that you are an abuser, even if no charges are filed. If prosecutors do file formal charges, you may be treated as if you are guilty right from the start, which is a violation of your constitutional rights. At the Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C., we know that "innocent until proven guilty" is a basic tenet of our criminal justice system, and we will work hard to protect your rights and your reputation.
Managing Orders of Protection in Plainfield
In many cases, a charge of domestic battery will also cause an order of protection to be issued against you. An order of protection can drastically restrict your rights, but it is absolutely critical that you comply with its terms. Violating an order of a protection is an extremely serious matter and could result in additional criminal charges, more restrictive terms, and limits on your rights as a parent. At our firm, we understand that the state of Illinois is aggressive in its prosecution of family-related violence. When you work with us, we will fight for you at every stage of the process.
Call 815-744-2500 Today
If you have been arrested and charged with domestic battery, contact our office. Schedule a free consultation by calling 815-744-2500 today. The Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C. is located in Joliet, IL, and we represent clients in Plainfield, Bolingbrook, Shorewood, Lockport, Romeoville, and throughout Will County.