Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C.

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Lockport DUI Defense Lawyer

Lockport DUI Defense Lawyer

DUI Defense Lawyer in Lockport, IL

You might be made to feel as if you have already been found guilty when you are charged with a DUI. However, you have options for fighting back. You have the right to be represented by an attorney who can identify any defenses you have available. You have the right to choose to go to trial, and you may have the option of accepting a plea bargain to reduce your charges. In some cases, a skilled attorney can even have a case dismissed for lack of evidence or because the police failed to respect your constitutional rights.

Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C. is highly experienced in DUI defense. Attorney Eric J. Blatti will discuss all of your options with you and ensure that you fully understand your rights. He can help with all types of DUI-related charges, from a simple first DUI to a drug-related DUI or more serious felony DUI cases involving injuries or aggravating circumstances.

Your Options When You Are Charged With DUI

The police will likely behave as if they have an airtight case against you, making it seem like you have no hope of escaping a conviction or avoiding jail time. You might be held in jail overnight—or longer, if you are charged with a felony DUI and your bail is set at a high amount. Your driver's license will probably be suspended. All of these circumstances can make you feel like you have already been convicted. However, there is hope.

You have choices when it comes to defending yourself in court. Attorney Blatti will explain your options, which may include:

  • Raise a defense at trial - Attorney Blatti will analyze your case carefully to determine whether you have a strong defense available. Common defense strategies include challenging the validity of field sobriety tests, arguing that the traffic stop that led to your DUI arrest was unconstitutional, or demonstrating that the results of chemical tests were inaccurate or unreliable. While there is always some risk involved in going to trial, it is sometimes the best option, especially when you have a strong defense.
  • Plea bargain - If you are facing more serious DUI charges, plea bargaining might be the best way to reduce the seriousness of the charges. If your arrest involved aggravating circumstances such as having a very high BAC or carrying a child passenger, your lawyer might be able to have a felony charge reduced to a misdemeanor in exchange for a guilty plea to the lesser charge. Preventing you from becoming a felon might be the best possible strategy.
  • Fight for dismissal - If there was egregious misconduct by the police, or if your attorney is able to have a large portion of the evidence against you thrown out of court, leaving the prosecution with very little proof, your case could simply be dismissed by the judge without a trial. This is somewhat likely if your attorney can show that the police violated your constitutional rights by pulling you over without a legal reason or if the results of your chemical test can be proven unreliable.
  • Accept court supervision - If this is your first DUI, and there are no aggravating circumstances, you might have a case for resolving your charge by accepting court supervision. If you successfully complete a period of court supervision, which will likely include substance abuse treatment and community service, you will be able to avoid a criminal conviction.

Attorney Blatti will work to determine which option might be in your best interest. He will advise you on the best steps you can take during your case, and he will advocate for solutions that will allow you to put this difficult experience behind you.

Contact a Lockport DUI Attorney

Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C. is committed to helping people who are facing DUI charges resolve their cases in the most beneficial way possible. Experienced Lockport, IL DUI lawyer Eric J. Blatti will do all he can to protect your interests. Contact us at 815-744-2500 for a complimentary consultation.

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