Romeoville DUI Defense Lawyer

Your Trusted Defender Against DUI Charges in Romeoville, IL
DUIs can range in seriousness from a misdemeanor carrying not much more than a driver's license suspension and a few days in the local jail to a major and life-altering felony carrying years in prison. The potential penalties will depend on the circumstances of the case. Whether your charge is a simple misdemeanor or a serious felony, putting on the best defense possible is critical. Your freedom could be at stake, as could your career, driving privileges, and reputation.
Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C. has more than 15 years of experience fighting back on behalf of people charged with DUI in Illinois. Dedicated Romeoville criminal defense attorney Eric J. Blatti is experienced in numerous DUI defense strategies, and he will not back down from a trial if that is the best way to protect your interests. He will provide aggressive representation during every part of your case.
Misdemeanor DUI Defense Lawyer in Romeoville, IL
Even a misdemeanor DUI can interfere with your life. Your driver's license can be suspended, which could make simple things like taking your children to their ball games or piano lessons very difficult. Your career might also suffer, or you could face sanctions at school. There is also the risk that you will face some jail time
Your first and second DUI charges are normally misdemeanors. However, even a misdemeanor conviction is worth trying to avoid. Attorney Blatti will do all he can to prevent you from being convicted of a DUI. You may have defenses available.
Third and Subsequent Felony DUIs
If you are arrested for DUI a third time in Illinois, you are facing a felony charge, and you could go to prison for a year or more if you are convicted. Fourth or subsequent DUI charges are even more serious, and a conviction can get you sent to prison for years. Your driving privileges could be permanently revoked. If you are facing a third, fourth, or further DUI you must have a highly skilled criminal defense attorney to protect you.
Aggravated DUI Attorney in Will County, IL
An aggravated DUI is a felony. You might be charged with an aggravated DUI if there are certain circumstances present in your case. A DUI—even a first-time DUI—can be treated as a felony if:
- You had a child passenger - If there was a child under the age of 16 in your car when you were arrested, you could face felony charges in certain circumstances, like if you have a prior DUI or if the child was injured. Endangering a child by driving drunk with him or her in your vehicle is considered a serious offense.
- You hurt or killed someone - If you were involved in an accident while driving under the influence, and someone was injured or killed, you are in very serious legal trouble. These cases can result in long prison sentences.
- You were getting paid to drive - Operating a vehicle for hire—such as an Uber, Lyft, or taxi—while intoxicated is a felony. These cases are considered more serious because they involve putting a paying passenger in danger.
- You did not have a valid license, current registration, or appropriate vehicle insurance - If your license was suspended or if you did not have a license at all, if your vehicle registration was not up to date, or if you did not carry the minimum level of insurance required by the state, you will face felony charges.
- You were already under DUI suspension - Judges are usually very displeased when a person whose license was suspended due to a past DUI is arrested for driving drunk again. This is seen as a blatant disregard for the law and for the court's orders.
If you are facing aggravated DUI charges, you must take action immediately by contacting a skilled criminal defense attorney.
Contact a Romeoville, IL DUI Lawyer
Law Office of Eric J. Blatti, P.C. is dedicated to providing the best criminal defense services possible for those who are facing DUI charges. Experienced Will County DUI defense attorney Eric J. Blatti will fight to protect your freedom and your interests. Contact us at 815-744-2500 for a complimentary consultation.